Vaccine Passport Policy
The Alliance for Democracy and Freedom Party is opposed to the introduction of “vaccine passports” for any purpose.
Our opposition is based upon a number of factors including:
1. None of the Covid19 vaccines are “sterilising vaccines”. That is to say they do not prevent infection with the SARS-CoV2 virus developing into symptomatic infectious disease. The effect of the vaccines is said to be a reduction the risk of severe disease and death for the recipient only. Mandating them on the premise that they protect others therefore has no legitimacy.
2. The scheme proposed by the government excludes naturally acquired immunity, which has been shown by recent research to be far more robust and wide-ranging than that conferred by the vaccines. The exclusion of naturally acquired immunity makes absolutely no sense from a disease-control perspective.
3. Government has suggested that this scheme will apply to nightclubs and sporting venues, which are predominantly used by young, healthy people. They are the least vulnerable section of society whose risk of serious disease and death from Covid19 is statistically extremely low.
We believe that vaccine passports will in fact be the introduction mandatory digital ID cards via the back door. Establishment politicians have been trying to find a way to force these intrusive, controlling documents on us for decades, the Blair government being the first to try in the UK. It is inevitable that the scheme would be expanded very soon after its introduction to include shops, pubs, bars, restaurants, theatres and the workplace. More vaccines and other medical interventions would be added and our lives permanently dependent upon maintaining one’s medical status with whatever is mandated by the government of the day. Once introduced, vaccine passports would be here to stay. Nobody in government is talking of time limits for their use and a number of contracts have already been signed, without Parliamentary scrutiny or consent.
Vaccine passports would create medical apartheid in this country, with those who cannot be vaccinated and those who make an informed choice not to be vaccinated excluded from many activities we’ve always taken for granted in this supposedly free democracy.
We believe the motivation behind vaccine passports is political, not medical, with the exclusion of naturally acquired immunity being one of the key giveaways. We are travelling a very dangerous road, one littered with warnings from not too distant history. That road will lead us to a less free, less democratic future.
Vaccine passports must be stopped