Energy Policy
The ADF Party believe that following a ‘Net Zero’ policy and putting all our eggs into one basket i.e., ‘Renewables’ is not the answer to the future energy requirements of the United Kingdom. The ADF Party believe the UK must not rely on the purchase of gas oil and electric from EU member states but must become more self-reliant on future energy requirements.
We believe a raft of energy sources must be included in future energy requirements including Nuclear, Gas (including Shale), Oil, Wind, Solar and Coal.
The ADF Party believe that the ‘Net Zero’ policies of the establishment parties will lead to further financial hardship for those in our society who can least afford to subsidise the Renewable industries. Those hit hardest financially will be the housebound, infirmed, elderly, unemployed, single parent and retired. The cost-of-living rise has become a financial crisis for many working families with rocketing energy and fuel prices in the news daily. On top of this, the breaking of a promise, made by the Prime Minister in 2016, to cut VAT from energy bills highlights that this government neither know nor care of the weekly struggle of families to meet household bills.
The price of Petrol/Diesel at the pump, for the daily commute to work has risen to unaffordable levels for many, again causing worry and stress on the weekly budget. Fuel duty is currently levied at a flat rate of 57.95p per litre for both petrol and diesel. Added to this is VAT so, the tax itself is taxed. If this government where truly supportive of hard-hit families, VAT could be cut (except in Northern Ireland, thanks to the Prime Minister’s EU protocol) and fuel duty reduced.
We believe that high energy costs of imported energy from the EU, which we have no control, the situation on the Ukraine /Russian border, making this energy supply unreliable and expensive, along with future Net Zero policies of the establishment parties in Westminster all put the UK manufacturing industries at a competitive disadvantage on the world stage, creating job losses and substandard product imports such as Steel from China.
The Alliance for Democracy and Freedom Party [ADF] energy policy is to explore the reintroduction of coal, gas, and oil as energy sources, as well building nuclear power stations, whilst ensuring continued development of reliable, cleaner, and cost-effective replacements for the long-term future. Building a self-sufficient low-cost energy future for Families and Industry is essential for all.