The Belmont Declaration

The Belmont Declaration

The Belmont Declaration a Historical Overview

After the original meeting things were progressed further. In April 2024 we reconvened at Bromyard, in Herefordshire, and again many parties were invited to attend, of the parties invited, six attended including ADF, Freedom Alliance, The Populist Party, The Libertarian Party, The English Democrats and UKIP was represented by their leadership candidate at the time, Bill Etheridge. Unable to attend but in support, was Councillor Brian Silvester of Putting Crewe First. All agreed that a non-aggression pact should be implemented for the general election and where possible the parties should support each other on social media and in campaigns on the ground. Bill Etheridge was in support but was unfortunately not subsequently elected as leader of UKIP.

In Scotland a meeting was convened prior to the 2024 election and best efforts were made with several candidates standing aside for other parties and best candidates put forward for each constituency. Unionist and Independence campaigners working together to ensure that the priorities of the group were given the best possible chance to have a clear run at each constituency election.

The Belmont Declaration has now become the Belmont Accord offering a way for smaller parties to work together with a non aggression pact to help each other and ensure the best Candidate irrespective of Party stands and is supported. A new website for the Accord is under construction to bring all the threads together.

Below is the Original premise of the Belmont Declaration

Real Democracy

The UK electoral system with its historical anachronism of first-past-the-post "Winner Takes All" is not a fair voting system.

It distorts the choices made by the electorate, denying them the opportunity to vote for who they really want to, through fear that doing so will let in a party they really oppose. In reality it changes the choice from 'who I do I want' to 'who must I vote for to keep XX out".

That is not a fair democratic system and it entrenches the Labour vs Tory see-saw. Just look at how little impact the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party have had.

So NOW is the time for alternative voices to unite behind a single party, and put an end to the sham democracy we are forced to endure. The ALLIANCE have invited a number of political parties to sign up to the Belmont Declaration. We will bring you news of those joining.


After years of attrition of British sovereignty, the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union was marked by hesitancy and capitulation. Patriotic people were angered by the defective vision, selfish interests and lack of direction of the Government. Added to the absence of a credible opposition, new political parties formed to counter the untenable situation. To assure the success of that ambition, the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom Party embarked on talks with numerous independent councillor’s, independent council groups and parties who are all agreed on a one-party approach.

That campaign culminated in the Belmont Declaration in Leicester on 25th September 2021.

The core principles of the Belmont Declaration are :

1) The British electorate deserve a truly representative democracy the Parliamentary election process, through the nature of the first-past-the- post voting, leads to the drowning out of alternative voices, and denies the British electorate a realistic opportunity to vote as they truly wish the 'duopoly' of Conservative and Labour rule creates excess power in Westminster and policy swings which are not conducive to stable development and implementation of policy broadly supported within the UK electorate .

2) Whitehall exercises a stranglehold over elected Governments' implementation of policy, and must be reformed, starting at the most senior levels, corruption and sleaze in both Westminster and Whitehall must be rooted out British society has been adversely affected by the rise of minority voices seeking to silence and override majority viewpoints, and this should be constrained and in some cases reversed .

3) Signatories to the Belmont Declaration call on all non-mainstream political parties to unite in a single "challenger party", with a view to breaking the Labour and Conservative stranglehold. Constructive discussion will lead to the establishment of an agreed inclusive policy platform which appeals to the majority of the British electorate.

4) A decision on which challenger party will stand against Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats will made by consensus of signatories to the Belmont Declaration.

The Signatories To The Revised Agreement From Bromyard Meeting.

ADF Party.

Freedom Alliance

Populist Party

English Democrats

Putting Crewe First
