All individuals have inalienable rights to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Association and Assembly and Complete Bodily Autonomy. These rights can never be removed by any government, legislature or court of law.
The UK should not be a member of any non-democratic supra-national bodies. This includes inter alia, the UN, WHO, IMF, and NATO. This does not preclude bi lateral agreements with individual nations which support the security and prosperity of the UK.
No more lockdowns ever, for any reason.
The UK should robustly defend its own border but not be involved in any foreign military activity that is not directly related to the immediate defence of those borders (including those of its overseas territories).
The UK should aim to achieve self-sufficiency in energy, food and manufacturing production.
Individuals and businesses should be free to transact in whatever form of money or currency they choose.
Banknotes and coinage issued by the Bank of England should be backed at a fixed level by real assets.
Fractional reserve banking should be restricted by the removal of limited liability from all banks engaging in the process.
Government should be small, local, efficient and fully accountable.
Education and Health should remain free at the point of need, with parents and patients being offered a genuine choice of delivery options.
The electoral process should be reformed to ensure that representation more closely matches votes. Greater use should be made of referenda.
Any associate of the WEF, its successor or similar bodies should be banned from holding elected office or any paid public sector position.
Elected representatives should have a personal connection with the ward / constituency in which they serve and owe their primary responsibility to their constituents. Legislative votes should always be cast in the interests of constituents and not the party. Elected representatives must honour the pledges made in order to get elected or, fall foul of being recalled by their constituents.
As a political party we will never engage in any whipping of elected representatives.
Taxation is a necessary evil. To the extent that it is levied, it should always be progressive with a proportionally higher burden on the wealthy.
The UK has an enviable and proud history of welcoming to its shores genuine asylum seekers and immigrants whose skill sets are in sympathy with those needed by the country. ADF supports this and will robustly police those who attempt to gain entry illegally into the UK