Immigration Policy
The UK has become one of the most densely populated countries in Europe.
Specifically, England is the world’s third most densely inhabited country of those with a population greater than 10 million. This has placed significant strain on all public services.
According to both ONS and Oxford University’s Migration Observatory, net migration is responsible for more than half of our population growth.
The Alliance for Democracy & Freedom believes that our present standard of living will be hard to maintain with continued current levels of net migration.
Our priority is to put the rights of the settled population above the rights of illegal immigrants. Nothing else will work until we do.
We would adopt a no-nonsense policy when dealing with illegal immigrants. To stem the flow, we will change their expectations of what happens to them if they enter illegally.
Therefore the current criteria for entry into the UK should be tightened, without damaging our ability to attract highly skilled personnel from overseas who are so vital to the country’s growth.
1. Legislate to ensure that our immigration policy can withstand all legal challenges from the migrant support industry.
2. Instruct the Royal Navy to intercept and boats coming from France, before they enter British waters and return them safely to France.
3. Wanted criminals identified during processing will be deported immediately.
4. For those boats that do make it to our shores.We will build Secure Migrant Camps in the countryside quickly like nightingale hospitals. They will be subject to all rules applying to high security prisons with perimeter fencing and controlled by Border Guards or the Army.
5. We will not allow inmates to leave, visit or mix with the settled population in nearby towns or villages.
6. No specific immigration targets. However, a ‘work permit’ will generally be a prerequisite to gain entry to the UK.
7. All migrants to have the same status prior to proposed entry and will be assessed as equals.
8. Immigration points system (all migrants will be assessed on a case-by-case basis).As in Australia, applications to settle in the UK, will be based on age, skill level in certain needed sectors and factors things such as criminal record or genuinely in danger due to war etc., in country of origin.)
9. The ADF recognise that whilst we will heavily invest and incentivise, young people training and working in the sciences, as well as trade based industries, during that training transition period, we will need a number of skilled workers from overseas..
10. No amnesty for illegal undocumented migrants.Deported to their country of origin.They ARE CRIMINALS.This is ALSO the only way to stop the migrant boat gangs.
11. Immediate deportation of foreign Nationals who commit crime in the UK with UK Citizenship rescinded, where applicable.
12. All LEGAL immigrants and visitors to have medical insurance in place, before entry to the UK to cover the period of their stay. A government scheme would be available at their port of entry.
13. Children born in the UK who have at least one British parent will be granted UK citizenship. If both parents are non-UK citizens, their child will be a citizen of their country of origin.
14. Companies employing recent migrants will be subject to a ‘skills charge’ (to encourage the preferred employment of British nationals and UK permanent residents).
15. The Border Force staff to be increased by at least 10,000, employing UK armed forces veterans wherever possible. A further 500 administration staff would be recruited to clear the backlog in asylum applications.
16. Repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 and support a UK Bill of Rights to make the UK Supreme Court final judicial arbiter on all immigration cases.
17. Illegal immigrants would not be entitled to benefits and only entitled to ‘emergency’ health care.