Get Involved
Helping like-minded people to stay connected is high in our agenda.
Through Facebook, our ‘Proud Of’ pages are a way of each neighbourhood, then, village, borough or city to stay in touch with others who share similar opinions and value the opportunities to be proactive in changing the way their areas are governed and maintained. If you’d like to be a part of shaping the future of YOUR area, join your local Proud Of online group, or get in touch with us to start a group for YOUR area!
These groups will then field candidates at local council elections and also get involved in campaigns against for instance green belt development, closing down of nurseries, youth groups, Libraries etc.
ADF are recruiting local Co-ordinators to take control of the groups and form them, with full support from the party, recruit members, organise stall days, meetings and the rest. The Co-ordinators will also be the nominating officer for the elections.
We are also recruiting for 12 regional Co-ordinators who will oversee the general management of their local proud of groups within their region across the country.
If you can help to bring like-minded people together in YOUR community, and spend the word about the work that ADF are doing, get in touch with us to host your own ‘Proud Of’ Facebook Community page! No experience necessary, just a passion for making your local area great again! We look forward to hearing from you!
Can't See YOUR Local Area Here? Create Your Own ‘Proud Of’ Facebook Community!
We are also looking for local candidates for local elections, and with your community behind you, you will be in a great position to start from! Again, no experience necessary, we will help you every step of the way - we want to hear from people who want to make changes for the better in their area, and the country as a whole!