Small Business Policy
What is a Small Business ?
Micro = 1 – 9 staff
Small = 10 – 49 staff
Medium = 50 – 249 staff
The above are collectively knowns as SMEs i.e. Small and Medium Enterprises
ADF will work with SMEs on the following key points :
Encouraging Local Trade to fuel the local economy; including local government spending
Reducing Red Tape
Reducing Business Rates
Reduce green levies on business energy costs
Encourage and support apprenticeships and harmonising academia with local business needs
Abolish tuition fees for STEMM students
ADF will work with the Federation of Small Businesses on local and national levels on the above as well as :
Clean Air Plans
Going Green Sensibly
National and Local Transport Infrastructure
Parking Policies to encourage local trade
Waste and Recycling
Local Business procuring work from Local Government
Prompt payment by “Corporates”
Police Response to Crime against Business