Fishing Policy Update

In the post BREXIT era, the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom Party (ADF Party) call on the government to fulfil its 2019 election promise to the people of Great Britain and ‘Take Back Control’ of our waters, fishing grounds and 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

ADF Party call for a complete overhaul of our fishing industry giving a fairer distribution of allocation of fishing opportunities, with priority given to the low-impact, small scale fishermen

ADF Party would review the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 with a view to restricting the use of UK registered but foreign owned fishing vessels in UK waters it would also ban the use of ‘Super Trawlers’ fishing in UK waters therefore ending the exploitation of Britain’s fishing grounds.   

ADF Party will end the discard system, therefore ending the wasteful practice of throwing by-catch back into the sea

ADF Party recognises the importance of Britain’s fishermen and fishing industry and the role they play as caretakers of the UK maritime environment ensuring the UK a natural food resource for generations to come. We recognise major investment is required into coastal areas to encourage a growth in UK business and much needed boost to career opportunities. Allowing Great Britain to rebuild its fishing industry, it’s ancillary industries and coastal towns and cities that have felt abandoned by successive governments over fifty years of EU membership.


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