Vaccine Passorts In England

The government has announced that “vaccine passports” will not now be introduced in England at the end of September. Most people are of course rejoicing at this news but, a word of caution: The Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, did not say that these plans had been “scrapped” but that they would be “held in reserve”.

The Johnson government has spent £billions on the development of a vaccine passport system, which they were undeniably developing whilst telling both Parliament and the public that they had no plans for their introduction. In fact, it looks increasingly likely that the money we were told was spent on developing the failed “Test and Trace” system was actually spent on developing vaccine passports. They are not going to give up on them so easily and we must be ready to fight again.

We have said in the past and will say again that vaccine passports are a Trojan horse for the introduction of mandatory digital ID. They have no medical legitimacy whatsoever because, apart from anything else, it has now been demonstrated beyond any doubt that the Covid19 vaccines have little to no impact on virus transmission. This means that a vaccinated person is as likely to transmit the Covid19 as and unvaccinated person. The latest dataset from Public Health England actually suggests that, in some groups, vaccination actually increases the risk of transmission.

We remain 100% opposed to any kind of domestic medical certification for Coronavirus, principally on the following grounds:

1. If the vaccines do not prevent transmission, vaccine passports will not work.

2. If the vaccines protect the vulnerable from serious disease, there is no case for vaccine passports to “protect others”.

We also remain completely opposed to the vaccination of children, in line with the advice from JCVI.
The risk posed to children by Covid19 is minuscule, far smaller than the risk posed to them by the vaccines.
No child should ever be exposed to unnecessary risk on the premise that it might protect others.

Our children are not human shields.


Informed Consent