Help Us Win For The British People!

There are so many important issues (e.g. MRNA Covid vaccination programme, Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, Climate Change policies and Net Zero, ULEZ and 15 minute cities, decimation of farming, sexualisation of children, perverse gender ideology, etc) that, even when considered singly, should deter people from ever voting again for the established parliamentary parties who assist the government in embedding the respective policies. Despite the extremely concerning implications of these policies, transfer of support away from Conservative and Labour to new populist and patriotic parties is almost invisible judging by their lost deposits in successive byelections.

More sinister is the overlap and convergence of these issues. Imagine this scenario: You might not accept Covid vaccination but the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and/or amended International Health Regulations (IHR) could be invoked with a selective movement restriction order/lockdown. You would not be able to move about freely. You could then be indirectly forced to get vaccinated for a variety of your personal requirements. You might try breaking the restriction, but surveillance cameras deployed for ULEZ will capture you on camera. If Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Digital ID were in operation, you could suffer social credit deduction and therefore financial loss.

One wonders if so many people are really under-informed or brainwashed. The reason is probably the powerful government propaganda machinery aided and abetted by the ‘captured’ mainstream media bias and Big Tech collusion. Even start-up outfits like GB News that claim truthful reportage is under authoritarian constraint.

Underscoring all that is tyrannical censorship and shutdown, as seen with individual doctors and nurses when they become vocal in questioning the validity of the roll-out or advocate repurposed medicines for Covid. Indeed, every dastardly measure toxic to freedom and humanity is mercilessly deployed. Any cogent challenge or resistance is snuffed out by Acts of Parliament.

Those people we elected to serve us are actually attacking us. With impunity. Our legislators are wilfully legislating against us.

Incredible, isn’t it?

My antidote to such depressing reality is this. We counter the evil laws and policies with interlinked strategies that reflect and rebuff the convergence of measures against our democracy, our freedom and humanity in general.

We do not engage with corrupt mainstream media and avoid or evade takedowns on surveillance-loaded social media platforms while pursuing the task of making people aware of the nastiness being foisted on them, helping them join the dots in their patchy understanding of the whole big picture.

We meet and engage in person at every opportunity to do that. Anywhere, at anytime, and in all places.

We target seats based on where support for populist patriotism is at a critical mass for achieving electoral success. Of course, it’s unrealistic to supplant all errant councillors and MPs, let alone become government in a single outing. Winning some seats would be an astonishing, significant and satisfying feat – a foot in the door, the start of draining the swamp.

It’s a realistic proposition and a pragmatic solution to confront and defeat the inevitable and total subjugation of the people.

If we don’t step up to the plate, we are finished. Damaged. Annihilated.

I therefore implore you to support Alliance for Democracy and Freedom in its solemn and determined mission to serve the people and save our country.

My fellow ADF colleagues are getting ready to start their campaign in their respective locations. God willing and health permitting, I will be leading the charge nationally by contesting the new constituency of Melton and Syston.

Your support is absolutely vital not only to the restoration of our values and our way of life but, above all, to securing the future for our children by taking back control of our country away from the clutches of supranational forces in the guise of World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organisation and a myriad subsidiary agencies.

Please come and stand, shoulder to shoulder, with ADF candidates everywhere and vote for them because they are standing gallantly for us and our children. If you’re able to help with organisation, with dona:on and with on-the-ground campaigning, please get in touch with ADF as soon as possible.

Thank you.

We dare, together we WIN!


We Can’t Go On Like This Any Longer